la Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali

International training and research institute
founded by the Ministry of Culture

What do we do


Higher education, continuous training, professional updating. We offer a personalized training offer to cultural heritage professionals in the public and private sector, updated to the times, multidisciplinary and transversal, which integrates teaching and experience.


On the most current and debated issues of the care and management of cultural heritage, we produce original studies of an applicative nature: tools to accompany cultural operators in reading the transformations of the sector, data and recommendations to support the action of political decision makers and administrators.


We support public and private institutions in the definition and implementation of cultural, innovative and sustainable policies. With laboratories and observatories, monitoring and evaluation actions we imagine and experiment methods and intervention models that we share with the entire sector.


Through the exchange of experiences and the comparison between excellences, on an international scale, we strengthen the skills of Italian and foreign professionals and promote the internationalization of Italian cultural institutions.
With participation in network actions and research programmes, we contribute to the most important debates on the global scene and we support the innovation of cultural management models.

Our wealth of knowledge just a click away

As a center of expertise on the care and management of cultural heritage, we network international organizations and national, public and private, state and local institutions, places of culture with academics, trainers, experts, scholars and operators.
Our heritage of knowledge, on, just a click away.

Training according to us

I professionisti del patrimonio culturale sono chiamati a nuove sfide e a grandi responsabilità. La nostra risposta sta in una formazione costruita su misura, aggiornata ai tempi e orientata alla dimensione internazionale.

La FAD dà accesso a una ricca offerta formativa, gratuita, su temi generali e su argomenti specialistici, tra corsi e percorsi, fruibili sia live che on demand: webinar, lezioni, laboratori, corsi multimediali, podcast, video-lezioni, video-pillole, MOOC, tutorial, aule virtuali, forum, questionari.

Nuove conoscenze e competenze aggiornate per la cura e la gestione del patrimonio culturale. theme_fsbac/chisiamo.banner_formazione_txt

Multimedia courses

Training tools that combine different resources: textual, audiovisual and graphic.


Audio content to discover news in the world of culture, to listen to whenever and wherever you want.

On demand

Training content available on request at any time.


Training appointments available in live streaming.

Enter the community of cultural professionals

A versatile and intuitive tool for sharing knowledge, visions and perspectives on the care and management of cultural heritage.